Wednesday 1 January 2014

Week 29 of our new life

Monday, Woke up feeling rather p***** off today, waiting to see the builders and get there take on the past couple of weeks, will be interesting.  Phone call made regarding wardrobe doors, Carlos not very happy, but we are not happy so he needs to remedy the situation and give us what we wanted, otherwise he will not get the rest of his money, simple.  Phone call made regarding refitting the front door, can I use my oven in time for Christmas please!! they are not happy at having to come out again and would rather wait until all the work is finished so that they can do the front door and fit the fly screens at the same time, it is costing them to keep coming out particularly when no one is home.  Not our fault, not our problem that the door was fitted wrong, finally they will come out Friday and do the door.  Next call for the house alarm, we have to wait until after Christmas, don't think so we are paying for an alarm we do not have, fit it or take it away.  It will be fitted on Thursday.  Looks like another busy week.  Builders turned up at Lunchtime, excuses about car being off the road etc etc, just get on with the bloody job and get it finished.  Doesn't seem to make any difference if we are happy or unhappy they will still work at their own speed.
Tuesday, back to cleaning and cleaning and cleaning, dust is everywhere again, the house was caked in dust for our return so back to the grindstone.  Never mind we are getting there.  By the end of the day we felt human again. Had our outside blinds fitted to the terrace today, they are fantastic and will do the trick with keeping out the wind and the rain, it is like we have another room, and is ideal for me to sit out even when it is cold I just need a fleece on, they are certainly not aesthetically pleasing, but they look good enough and will do the purpose that they were bought for.  Hallelujah something has gone right.
Wednesday, Carlos turned up to collect the wardrobe doors today, so we now have no wardrobe doors again, they have also taken away one bathroom door so that they can make sure they get a match this time.  He did not explain exactly what was going to be done with them, but he knows that they need to all match or at least as near as possible. We understand that there are different shades of Mahogany but surely when doing a job you make sure they are all the same!!  Maybe not in Portugal!! wonder when the doors will come back.  Perhaps never LOL,  Unpacked a few more boxes today and cleaned, this will be our ritual for the next few weeks I think.
Thursday, Ana came to fit the alarm, appeared to be quite an easy job, sensors in the Living Room and Kitchen covering the Front Door and Sliding Doors, a Sensor needs to be fitted to the front door but she cannot do that until the door has been re sited, it will now be after Christmas as they close for holidays this week.  She left assuring us that everything was in good working order and she done a test to prove it.  My Birthday today, got some lovely presents and cards and Douglas is taking me out for Dinner tonight. Unpacked more boxes, done more cleaning then did not feel like going out for dinner, will leave it for another day.
Friday, shopping day today and the builders are finishing up for their Christmas Holidays so they tell us, they are going to take a week off and return on New Year Week and work otherwise the exterior for the windows will not get done in time as Roger is going back to the UK on the 15th January for two weeks. Great, would like the windows done so that the outside of the house can then get painted, so hope they will get the fingers out.  On the plus side we have a week with no builders around, it will be bliss.  Will still be cleaning dust though, and hoovering and mopping on a daily basis for now.  Yes, the guys came today to re site the front door, now it is in its proper place and I can use the oven, little things mean a lot. The final job that Adrian did was to get the radiators working, so we have central heating now as well.  Well actually a couple of the radiators are leaking and one is not working, just too good to be true.  Just what we need before Christmas.  A guy will come out to have a look at them tomorrow.
Saturday, a lovely day of sunshine today, decided to do minimum cleaning and sit on the terrace in the sun, hard to believe we are nearing the end of December and still getting this good weather.  Didn't even unpack a box today. Celia came out to look at the radiators, hahaha, one has a burst valve, he fixed one leak but cannot fix the other, and we also need a new valve for the boiler, just have to put up with it until after Christmas and New Year now, just does not surprise me.
Sunday, got the washing done nice and early, hung outside and dried within a couple of hours.  Will make up for the lazy day yesterday and get back to cleaning and unpacking boxes and rearranging things that we don't know where they are going to go yet.  We have quite a few things that we don't know where their new homes are going to be, so for now they are staying in boxes and we will get to them eventually.  The house is taking on the appearance of home, and at night when we light the wood burner it is nice and cosy.
A good and bad week this week, some things have been done, others have not and frustrations do keep creeping in, hopefully the builders will have a good week off and come back rejuvenated for the last leg of our house journey, we shall see.

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