Sunday 18 August 2013

Week 11 of our new life

Monday, very hot day today spent a lot of time during the afternoon in the house trying to keep cool. Had to wait in for the water man to fill up Mick and Paulines Cisterna, had nearly run out of water.  Had a meeting with Antonio about our new electric gates he is going to start them 2 weeks today, we are also getting a new door for underneath the pool, as this houses all the pool pumps etc and a new door for the pump cupboard. Only downside of this is he galvanises the gates and doors and we have to get them painted, so Douglas has agreed that it is a job that we can both do together, oh joy I cannot paint to save my life.  Still electric gates will be good, and I am sure I can learn to paint properly.  Went in the pool tonight at 9.00pm and swam 26 lengths so that is my target for the rest of the week, sorry to say my Ab Challenge has finished, I found it very difficult to keep up with the amount of sit ups, crunches, and planks so will stick to my swimming and water aerobics and keep with the Mediterranean diet, I am sure the effects will show shortly.  We have booked to come back to Glasgow in October as Douglas needs to see the surgeon again for his eyes, we are only coming back for the one night so wont be a jolly this time.  Next week the process starts for us to gain residency over here, so that should be exciting.  Douglas made a prototype of his project, but he still has to work on the plans so it has been dismantled and will come back out at a later stage, sorry was not allowed a photo as TOP SECRET.

Pool House Door
Pump Cupboard Door

Tuesday, heat is catching up with me I think it seems to be relentless, note made for next year be away in August lol.  Bought a Beach Ball and tried to get a noodle for my water aerobics, couldn't get one so will try when we go a bit further afield tomorrow.  Paid the storage bill and need to try and arrange to get some stuff out as we added to our storage when we went back to UK in July, now realising that lights and things that we bought are in the storage facility, wont do any good there as Adrian will be needing them soon, blast a bloody palaver. Douglas did say stronger words but I am being polite.  Also waiting for our electric bill as the lawyer needs that for our residency, guess what we have not got that yet either. Today is the day for a few cheeky wee Morgans I think.  Never mind plus point I got my next Account transferred today so I can shop hahaha, just hope they find the address.
Wednesday, went shopping to Guia, trying to get Douglas to relax a bit and buy a few modern TShirts etc, did finally get him a Salmon one and a Beige one and a pair of Denim Shorts, wow he does suit them, but very strange he took not well after paying for them, honestly so frustrating shopping for him as he never likes anything and anything that costs more than a Euro is too expensive, wonder why he took ill today then.  Also shopped for Zoe, as it is her birthday on Tuesday and I need to get a parcel in the post, hope I have chosen well and she likes it plus it will fit.  Got word from the storage people we can go Saturday Morning to pick up what we want, at a cost of 50 Euros plus we have to get up really early to get there for 09.00am, another two reasons for Douglas to become not well.  Went to our house, a bedroom floor is nearly tiled and the primer paint has been started outside on the BBQ area and the Poolside area, what a difference it makes just with the primer, gets exciting as we see bits and pieces being done now.  Forgot that I have to shop for two big plant pots for my Geraniums, they are starting to flower and the pots are broken so need to replace them, it is amazing what a bit of TLC and Water is doing to the plants, thanks to Adrian who has taken it upon himself to look after them whilst he is staying at the house.  Lots of good pictures on Facebook of the
Grandchildren all ready to go back to school, lovely to see.

BBQ Area Prepared
BBQ Area Primed
Sad Geranium needing new Pot

Thursday quiet day today as we have a busy couple of days ahead with early morning starts, booked to go and see my dad for a week at the beginning of September, as my sister is going on holiday, will not make it to Scotland this time as too much going on with the house. Have got an appointment to go and see a mobile home in Tavira on Tuesday that we might use as our accommodation for the rest of September, this being homeless is not much fun, but it wont be for much longer we hope.  Still trying to find doors and having no luck, have emailed a couple of companies in Glenrothes so hopefully they will ship over here.
Friday, picked up our new car today, I was presented with a key and a leather key fob, Douglas just got given a key, he was most upset but hes not getting mine lol.  Slight panic when we handed the hire car back as we had forgotten the documents (you are supposed to keep them in the car at all times) we had to drive back to Mick and Paulines to get them, thankfully we found them easy.  Antonio was fine though and gave us a lift to the garage, panic over.  Went shopping for two new pots for my sad geraniums.  Up to the house, OMG the gardeners are getting along like a house on fire, big difference already, trees have been chopped down, big palm tree has had the chop and the front garden all the plants are now in the process of being shaped, wow well pleased.  Inside the house Adrian has started painting the bedroom, he is now going to be off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for a holiday so nothing will be done again until Thursday, I am getting tetchy now as time is going on.

Sad Geraniums new homes
Palm Tree Going Going.....

Attacking the front

Winter Firewood
Shape of things to come

Saturday an early start today so that we could go to Algoz to collect some things from our storage units, we have 3 large crates full of our stuff and we had to sort out the packages we wanted ourselves.  So Douglas was busy passing me packages to pile up until we found the numbers on the packages that we wanted, not an easy job glad it was first thing in the morning as it was nice and cool, but yes we managed to find them without having to unload the full crates, good to see that everything is intact anyway.  Once we finished that we went and had some breakfast and then went to do some food shopping.  Douglas has been translating recipes for me, but some of the names for things are really strange, Parsley is Salsa, Caster Sugar is Soup Sugar and the list goes on, but we are finding it a good way to learn. Then off we went to our house, it is nice to be able to be able to nosy around whilst the builders are not there, I think we make them nervous, we met up with Dower our neighbour and he took us to look at an apartment in the village with a possibility of renting it for September, it was very nice but a bit claustrophobic we think and also as there are 4 different apartments together there would not be much privacy, but we have not ruled it out yet.  We also found out today that the cafe where we get our post delivered is closing for two weeks holiday, so this pushes us into a decision on what to do about a post box, we have 2 options so need to make up our mind for Monday.  This also messes up our application for residency as we should be going next week but as we will get no post we will have to postpone until September which has a knock on effect on other things.  Never mind we expect to have some hiccups, just seems daft that we cannot have a postman that will walk up a hill to deliver mail (or even drive up come to that).
Storage Crates

Sunday, housework day today and then chill out for the rest of the day, started very early as it was going to be another hot one. Douglas didn't get up til late so by the time I got round to doing our room it was really hot, but Douglas did help, he stood behind me and fanned me while I mopped etc, very funny.  Desperate for a swim afterwards. Translated some more recipes this afternoon and caught up on my emails and phone calls to the family.  Been another good week, my cooking of local dishes is coming on a treat, I have made fresh tomato sauce from Mick and Paulines home grown tomato plants, it was great with Pasta they are going to come back to no tomatoes, Fish Kebabs with salmon, salted cod and pineapple and peppers and a Raspberry Bavarois which was fresh and light, using plenty of fresh garlic and herbs, vegetables and fish, plus fruit and freshly squeezed Oranges for Juice are just delicious, the amazing thing is I do all the prep first thing in the morning and then it takes only minutes to cook the tea, also use the BBQ a lot.  Cannot wait until I can use our own kitchen.

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